What Happens When Your Senior Can’t Leave Her Home?

When your elderly family member can’t leave her home, that means that a lot of her needs now have to be met in other ways.
This can test your creativity unless you’re finding ways to ensure that you’re getting access for her to services that can make life easier, safer, and healthier. Having help with that task is possible and it can ensure that you really do find all of the tools your senior needs.


Care Coordination in Greenwood IN: Can’t Leave Her Home

Care Coordination in Greenwood IN: Can’t Leave Her Home


This Is Usually Called Being “Homebound”

If your elderly family member is injured or seriously ill, she may not be able to leave her home. This is typically called being homebound. As defined by Medicare, that means your elderly family member is unable to leave her home other than for situations such as seeking medical treatment or occasionally going elsewhere, like to church.


What Services Does Your Senior Need?

In order to be safe, healthy, and happy at home your elderly family member might need assistance from several different services. If she’s been injured, your senior may need physical therapy or additional home nursing services. After an illness like a stroke, your senior may need occupational therapy, speech therapy, and so much more. It’s important to talk to your senior’s medical team and determine what would most help her.


How Do You Access These Services?

Once you understand what services your elderly family member needs, you have to figure out how to actually set them up. This process can get started in the hospital or by your senior’s doctor, but it can still be confusing and exhausting for you to navigate. Finding outside help with these concerns can help you to access exactly the services that your elderly family member most needs.


Your Senior May Need Medical Equipment, Too

Something else that might be confusing for both you and you’re senior is that she might need medical equipment in order to deal with her new circumstances. Safety equipment in the bathroom, a wheelchair, or a hospital bed may all give your senior the ability to safely remain at home while she heals. Finding this equipment isn’t always easy when you haven’t had to do so before.

One of the easiest ways to determine what services will help your senior and you the most, while she is homebound, is to work with care management professionals. They have experience in matching needs with the right services and they can eliminate a lot of confusion and guesswork.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering Care Coordination in Greenwood, IN, please call the caring staff at Home Services Unlimited. Serving Greater Indianapolis Area. Call for Immediate Info & Assistance:  317-471-0775

Etelka Froymovich, RN, MHA